7 Quick Takes 2014 vol. 3: Outed by the Bishop, Yummy Lunch, Ripping up Tracks


1. We began the week with a bang. We had planned to reveal our new pregnancy pretty quickly, but Sunday caught us by surprise. The bishop was saying mass at our parish, and since it was the Sunday before the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, he had all the expectant parents stand at the end of mass for a blessing.

What were we supposed to do? There I was, being climbed on by both Gus and Molly, right at the front of the church. I wasn’t sure at first if I had even heard correctly. Then it crossed my mind to not stand up.

I glanced at the choir and my brother in law, who sings right next to my husband, was about to fall out of his chair laughing. So I stood up.

Jay came down from the choir area to stand next to me – I was so thankful! And while our wonderful bishop prayed over us, we could hear the gasps and whispers behind us.

I don’t think I can ever top a public announcement like that; being publicly outed by the bishop!


2.  I had all these great ideas for this post, but they mostly happen when I’m driving. Then as soon as I get out of the car my brain flushes and all those thoughts are gone off to Narnia with the missing socks.


3. Yoga pants. That was fast, and I suppose a good sign, but within days of finding out I was pregnant, I had to make the move into yoga pants. It’s not even that my tummy is bigger. I put my jeans on and checked! But I just can’t stand to have anything constricting it at all.  I tried wearing jeans but all I could think about was how long it would be until I could take them off so I’m in yoga pants full time now. Yay?


4. We introduced Gus (age 2) to Star Wars yesterday. AS soon as it began he ran up to the screen and yelled “Space ships!!!” He would wander away any time there was dialogue, but he loved all the robots and shooting and “SWORDS!!! Like mine!!!”


5. I dropped the kids off at school this morning and was about 10 minutes  away when Lily’s (Kindergarten) teacher called and informed me that she forgot her lunch. I’m a little ashamed of the internal temper tantrum I threw, especially since I was in the middle of a rosary. My brain froze up and I couldn’t think of what on earth I was supposed to do about this situation. I explained to her teacher that we live 30 minutes from school, so running home and back was really not an option.

She calmly suggested that I stop somewhere close-by and pick up something for her and bring it to the school.


I’ve done this before, why didn’t my brain work?

I realized that, while I know some of my friends who can change direction easily. I am not that kind of person. I know people who operate like a little bunny rabbit hopping across the field darting this way and that as obstacles arise in their way. I operate more like a freight train. A change of directions means that I have to come to a full stop, rip up the track I’ve laid, lay down new track, and then get the train moving again. I’m not sure why I lock in this way, but I am trying to be more flexible.


6.  i just had one of these yesterday:

000811Amy’s Gluten Free Broccoli and Cheddar Bake, and oh my, it was SO good! I have missed mac and cheese so much since going gluten free and this tasted like the real thing, plus broccoli. I need to get my hands on more of these!


7.  We have another weekend ahead of garage clean out. Our garage gets a little overwhelmed at least a couple times a year and starts to look like people just throw things out there and shut the door before the stuff can run back in… but that’s pretty much what we all do. If I have to take anyone out there I explain that this is where our house threw up. It’s a huge project is what I’m saying. So if you don’t hear from me again, send a search party or to into the garage.


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