Well, here I am on Thursday morning, though I may have to write this post in bits and pieces throughout the day, which is setting up to be a wild one. But right now, I have the privilege of sitting in my house all by myself for a few moments.
We loaded the truck on Tuesday as planned. Surprisingly enough, it went as planned, possibly even better except for Max’s clothes getting packed. So we have to buy him some stuff for the trip. No real problem there, though.
Then in the evening, my mom took my dad to the ER. He’s been having weird spells of his heart rate dropping and altered consciousness. After being ignored by his doctor for the umpteenth time, they went in. A CT scan revealed something in his brain – don’t know what yet, so they kept him and transferred him to a bigger hospital to understand whatever is going on. So please, pray for my dad.
Yesterday morning, I took a walk and prayed and cried. Very cleansing. And we waited for news while finishing up things here. Everything didn’t fit in the truck, so we’re going to get a couple of UBoxes from Uhaul and ship the rest. Since we will now have more room than planned, we made a trip to Ikea to get some beds and dressers for the kids. There isn’t an Ikea anywhere near where we will be, and moving the stuff while it is still unassembled and in boxes seemed like the best way to replace some of the furniture we had to get rid of.
But wait, I forgot to mention, Sunday Jay started in with a kidney stone, and was supposed to have a colonoscopy today (Thursday) so he’d have to prep all day Wednesday. Plus Tuesday two of our kids had dentist appointments for fillings. Wednesday morning we got the call that they canceled the colonoscopy because the doctor has covid. I feel bad that the poor guy is sick, but it certainly helped to simplify this crazy week. As for the kidney stone, Jay is still in some pain, but it seems to be fading. He is drinking as much water and electrolyte drinks as he can and just getting by.
Wednesday was also the house inspection of our new house. It went as well as it could for an old house. What a relief! It turns out there is some glitch with the title process though, and it may take us a little while to close. While that is inconvenient, it is small beans compared to how badly things went with the other house. Now in any spare moments, I stare at pictures of the kitchen and try to figure out where to put things.
Oh, did you want to see the house?
Here you go: https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/1577-Main-St_St-Johnsbury_VT_05819_M43878-09353?ex=2942825861
I’ll take down that link later, but for now, you can see where we are headed.
Must get back to work around here. Lots to do.