The End of a Year of Secrets

Roughly around this time last year, a plan took shape. Like many life changes, the first hints were easy to miss. Dreams of cooler weather, increasing anxiety levels, too much time spent sitting in traffic in a hot car, to name a few. Deep dissatisfaction choked the air we breathed until a chain reaction began. 

Because of the sensitive nature of some of our decisions, most of this process has been kept out of the public eye.

Jay has worked in a certain field for almost 30 years. His job kept him out in the frying Arizona heat all day, and not being the spring chickens we once were, the heat was harder and harder for him to recover from. The physical impact, coupled with the burnout from long days and heavy travel requirements, meant it was time to jump ship. Thus, the first electron flew into the fray.

A couple of months prior to the job change idea, our son and his fiancee bought a farm in northern Vermont. In late summer last year, Jay and I got away for a week to go visit them.

And what a week it was.

The path to the meadow at James’s house

We had been dreaming of moving out of Phoenix for years – somewhere cooler. But figured we would have to wait until we could afford a place in Flagstaff or Prescott. Instead, we fell instantly in love with Vermont, and the insane plan to relocate there set the chain reaction in full swing. We viewed some properties and got a better feel for which town we would go to if we could make the move.

We returned home refreshed and determined. With the housing market in Phoenix being what it is, we knew that if we could fix the house up enough, we could sell at a decent profit and be able to buy a house outright in Vermont.


That meant we had to fix up the house. Remodeling began with all its expected and unexpected foibles to slow us down on the way, including COVID hitting the household three separate times, a wonderful, wild holiday season with all the kids under our roof on Christmas Eve, a mental health crisis in one child, and a concussion for me.

New Front Addition
All shiny and new!

But here we are, almost full circle.

We sold our house. Jay’s job has shifted to remote work he can do without being in the weather, and our new house in Lyndon, Vermont, is set to close next week. Last night we met with friends and family to say goodbye, and next Friday we head east – eight people, a dog, two cats, in two cars toward a crazy new life.

With the most of the sensitive details wrapped up, (though I am sure more will arise!) I want to bring you all along with us on this wild ride. So buckle up!

4 thoughts on “The End of a Year of Secrets

  1. Congratulations on your new adventure! My husband and I just embarked on a similar path, selling our home in Indiana and moving into his family’s “summer cabin” — which we need to winterize and generally do all the things that should have been done for the past fifty years to maintain the place. An adventure … but there is nothing quite like a happy husband, is there?

    1. That’s for sure! His stress level, even with all the house stuff going on, is already down by half. We are both looking forward to a slower way of life, though I am sure it will take some getting used to!

  2. Jenni (and Jay):
    Congrats and God bless you in your new adventure.
    From your Ohio cousins.

  3. Jenni and Jay,
    Congratulations and best of luck on your move. So excited for all of you!! So many times that I’ve said the same thing to George. I’m so over this heat! I keep telling him that I was born here and raised here. I’ve done my time in this heat!! I will love hearing and reading about your adventure. Please be safe. Lots of love being sent your way!

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