Psalm 34:5


Psalm 34:5
Look to Him and be radiant, so your faces shall never be ashamed.

Radiant. Doesn’t that sound beautiful?

The dictionary says “radiating rays or reflecting beams of light.” Which is a good thing because I don’t feel very radiant on my own. I feel a little used up and dull. I worry that when I get to the grocery store my face will be frozen in a mom-face scowl since I just scolded my children for fighting.

That is not radiant.

I don’t have to generate my own radiance. What a relief! He is love and light and if my face is towards Him then I will reflect it to others.

I memorized this verse because 1. it’s very short, yay! and 2. it reminds me that I am not the source of light for my family, that is far too big a job for me. I can turn to Him, and he will shine His radiance in the dark places.


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