7 Quick Takes 2014 vol 16: School Year Countdown

It’s after six pm on Friday and I am just now starting my quick takes. So much for having them as being a “High Priority” task for Thursdays, right? Anyhoo… here goes.

1. Concert week. Holy School Concerts, Batman! There were 4 this week on three days. The kids did beautiful work, as always, but I can definitely say that the one when we didn’t have to take the younger kids with us was the most enjoyable. Gus (2) spent most of one concert upset that he couldn’t clap as loud as daddy. We also discovered that Molly (4) has a penchant for cat calls. Who knew?

2. Max (9) finished the whole Harry Potter series. What a great reader! We’ll be discussing more of the plot points and watching more movies in the weeks ahead!

3. With all the extra running this week, laundry has reached epic proportions. I just thought you should know why this is such a half… done quick takes.

An old picture, but it looks just like this right now.

4. We received some special surprises this week from Posy in France. She sent Gus a wooden sword with a scabbard, Molly got some Hello Kitty jewelry, Lily received French children’s books (which she did a decent job reading!), Max got a pocket watch, Tessa got a music box and a bracelet, and we all got some yummy candy!

Action shot as he draws the sword out of the scabbard


5. Back to Harry Potter, since the movie is on right now. I read somewhere this week that Delores Umbridge is actually the scariest character in the books/movies, because she embodies an evil we run into every day, that pseudo-justice seeking, willing to hurt anyone, evil disguised as niceness or normality. Evil that is hard to put your finger on exactly what it is. I mean, I hated Delores before, but I thought she was just straight up terrible (and so many pages were dedicated to her terribleness). She was a slippery kind of terrible though. What do you think? Who is scarier, Voldemort or Delores Umbridge?

6. The clock is ticking away the rest of the school year. One more week for the little guys. While I have loved their school, this particular blend of schools for my kids has been the hardest yet. I have had years where I had kids in four separate schools, but this year’s three schools was so hard. They were far apart, and the amount of driving made it hard for me to be involved in any of the schools. But we are almost there, almost to the end. Next year we should hopefully have most of the kids on one campus, with maybe a preschool as our second location. Next week will be a difficult one, with crazy school schedules, but it is just one week. Tick tock, tick tock.

7. Now, to repeat a take (sort of) I am going to go and fold all that laundry. My kids have had empty drawers all week, which was torture to my fashion-fickle four year old. (But probably resulted in less laundry for me to wash.)

Go fetch more quick takes. Next week maybe I will have my brain back and can write something worth reading.

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