Back again for 7 Quick Takes

This is one of those weird, “Hey, I think I might blog again…” posts, so I thought it would be best to start with the good old Seven Quick Takes to get my feet wet.

Jumping right in:

1. I am going to school. For so long I have put off doing things for myself because there just didn’t seem to be enough energy to spare. Little did I know, (or I continually forgot every time I learned it) that feeding my talents and gifts would GIVE me the energy I needed to do all the other things. Okay, sometimes at least. Sometimes it is just one more thing. Because busywork. I started last year with Kino Catechetical Institute and then added a class this summer. This fall I am continuing with the Kino classes and one college class. My plan is to go full-time next fall.

2. All the kids are in school. Baby Gwenny turned three this summer and started preschool this month. She took to it like a fish to water. This also gives me time to complete my school work and maybe eventually catch up around the house. That is what I tell myself anyway. Please don’t tell me even if I am wrong. Among the other kids in the house there are kids in first, fourth, fifth, eighth, and eleventh grades. It makes for very busy mornings and lots of lunches to pack.

3. I am doing a read through of the Bible. It is supposed to be a one year program, but at this rate it may take me three years. I am following the plan at Held By His Pierced Hands. I found it by reading this article on Brandon Vogt’s website, where he lists a few other options for reading through. My (almost) daily practice is to read through the readings for the day I’m on. As I go I pick one verse from each of the readings, write it in my notebook, and then jot down what it means to me or why it stood out to me. It makes it take a little longer, but I really don’t write much. Just a few lines to help it penetrate my thick skull. I have read a lot of the Bible in the past, but sometimes the pieces I read were so small. This has been really helpful to get a broader view of what is going on and put things in context.

4. Speaking of writing, I took a handwriting class and it really helped! My handwriting was never terrible ( unless I am scribbling down notes too fast or signing my name) but I never liked it. The letters were inconsistent, and I would switch between cursive and print randomly. This course at Boho Berry helped a lot. The real change came from practicing on French (Seyes) ruled paper. Now even without the extra lines to help me, my handwriting is much better.

5. I started ballet. When my daughter’s ballet teacher offered an adult beginner class last spring, I jumped at the chance. It is very challenging, but I love it. I never would have thought that I would have the guts to try something like this when I am so “old” to start, but it has been a good reminder that I can enjoy doing just about anything. It also helped me to better understand that I can pursue something like this just for the pure joy of it and not because I hope to do something with it. So I challenge you to ask yourself, what have you decided not to try?

6. My inclination here was to list all the other stuff we are doing. Who is doing gymnastics, or ballet, or swim, or ministries, or whatever. But I am really sick of busyness being a badge. I’m so guilty of thinking that if I am busy then that means I am accomplishing something. I mean, I am busy. There is no way to deny it. In the middle of that I am trying to find the white space, the times between things, and be present there. It is hard for me to stop and be truly present in those times. Honestly, I am not very good at it yet. But noticing and trying is the first step.

7. What I am reading these days –

Love & Salt: A Spiritual Friendship Shared in Letters – this is my calming, before bed read right now. It is the actual letters between two women, one a Catholic, one a convert, as they move through life and share their doubts and faith with each other.

Stunned by Scripture: How the Bible Made Me Catholic – a friend gave me this one with the assignment to annotated it. He wanted to see what I was talking about when I am always telling him to write in his books.

The Pillars of the Earth: A Novel (Kingsbridge) – I like the story, but the violence is disturbing.

Jurassic Park: A Novel – a reread. I’m listening to this one just as pure brain candy. I love Michael Crichton.

Well, that’s all folks. Hopefully I will be back again soon!

Go see This Ain’t the Lyceum for more Quick Takes!

2 thoughts on “Back again for 7 Quick Takes

  1. Jenni: Great to see your blog back online! St Francis de Sales said that everyone should pray one hour each day and if you are too busy, you should pray for two hours. Maybe that should be applied to blogging!

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